Singapore Garden Festival 2008 Part 1/2

August 14, 2008 at 11:15 +08:0008 (Event)

Over 200,000 plants and 60,000 flowers were used to create the gardens and floral dsplays for this year’s Singapore Garden Festival. Staged over 2 storeys (6th and 4th storey), i spent 4 hours and only managed to cover 75% of the exhibits. There were just too many flowers and gardens to shoot….

All the photographs here are from the “gardens” in the 6th storey. The 4th storey featured ikebana arrangement and orchirds from the regions, which will be featured in the next post.


“A Chelsea Sunset” from UK. Award:

 “Season of Mist” from Sri Lanka. A lucky visitor will have a pitcher plant from this exhibit named after him/her. Award: Silver in Fanstasy Garden category

A visitor romancing towkay Kwek LJ “Romancing Nature” series

“Seeking Shangrila” from Singapore. Award: Best of Show and Gold in Fantasy Garden category

“Theatre” – Ikebana arrangement from Malaysia

“Confusion” – abstract arrangement of bamboo that won the Best of Show” and “Gold” in Floral Windows to the World category!

My favourite, the modwall from Malaysia. The Marilyn Monroe image with the horizontal plant arrangement is just awesome!


  1. cc said,

    I like the modwall too! Looks like a giant piece of cross stitch! Fantastic!

    4f: pretty creative huh? there is another one on chairman mao but not very prominent. maybe the plants used were all green and the impression was created using different depth (height) of the plant

  2. Lling said,

    Enjoyed the exhibt. WIshed the lightning was a little brighter. Had a hard time taking a good shot.

    4f: lighting is a bit challenge with the mixture of white fluorescent and yellow tungsten light. i was struggling during the macro shots. but overall it was a very enjoyable experience

  3. winn said,

    wahhhh. impressive..

    guess u must have spent few days taking photos there?:p

    4f: manage to get the guard to let me camp out at the entrance and spent a few days there… heheheh!

  4. Mockingbird said,

    More close-ups would be nice 🙂

    4f: just done that!! sorry for the late posting

  5. misti said,

    wah u getting better and better.

    4f: thank you

  6. THB said,

    Nice pics..

    thank you

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