Security Unlimited?

September 28, 2006 at 11:15 +08:0009 (Married Life, Travel)

DSC_4419.JPG, originally uploaded by Grayskullduggery.

When you walk down the aisle, you are no more an island. Your life is forever interlinked with that lady in white. You share her value although you dont necessary take ownership of it.

One of the things that i dont agree 100% with my Yang Berhormat on is the issue of security. She has a very heightened sense of seige mentality and security is paramount in a lot of her decision making and actions.

On the day of the blogger meet, i was supposed to drop her in OneUtama New Wing but she refused to get down at the side below the overhead bridge because she didnt feel safe. There was no characters of suspicious nature in the vicinity but who is going to argue with YB who is in a happy shopping mood/mode?

On our way back to the South, we had about RM60 in our smart tag and should be enough to reach home. But Yang Berhormat insisted that i “tambah nilai” (add value) at the Sg Besi toll, which had a v ery long queue and cars were cutting in from the right all the times. She was worried that the residual value might not be enough and we had to wind down our window later to pay in cash. She felt unsafe winding down our car window in the middle of the night. Well, queue lor, what to do?

Well on another separate incident involving crime and security, my friend from Kota Kemuning office was burgled the week i was there. Lucky his office content was insured and properly back-up. He will be in town today until the Saturday and i will be reciprocating his hospitality. So, my weekend starts early as i will be taking 2 half days off, both today & tomorrow to show him around.

Have a nice weekend and see you guys next week! Updating of KL trip will continue next week!

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About Last Week

September 25, 2006 at 11:15 +08:0009 (Travel)

 Watch out for the jam in the morning. You better leave latest by 7 am.”  my good friend advised on the first day I arrived. Mentally I was bracing for a 1 to 1.5 hour jam from Kota Kemuning to Sheraton Subang. But it turned out my friend was pulling my leg and on the first day, I had a loooong breakfast with enough time to read “The New Straits Times” twice over and still be on time for class at 9 am. Long time never had such luxury in the morning and I liked it so much I kept it for the rest of the week.  

Surprise no: 3 waking up one hour early every day can be fun and fatal at the same time. I read about this lady who used to wake up early every day to beat the traffic and napped in her car in the company carpark before going to work. She died last week when her car rolled down and crashed to the bottom of a 25 m retaining wall.  

KL also has its daily free newspaper called “The Sun”. “The Sun” was hot and usually it would be gone before I am done with my breakfast.  Breakfast was roti canai washed down with teh tarik. Further to that, I was like having curry every alternate day at my friend’s house. For these 5 days I think I had had my quota of heaty food for the whole month of October.  Thank goodness no sore throat which bring me to Surprise no: 4 Heaty food does not cause heatiness in the throat but ignite the fire in the heart. How I wish wifey was around to do some heat transfer activities!  

The above was basically my routine for the week… Detox-Eat-Class-Eat-Class-Eat-Study-Detox-Sleep. If not for the two dinners with blogger angel and desi, I will die aitelyu! 

Well, weekend was a totally different story. Cocka organized blogger meeting was pure fun and absolutely crazy! Early bird catches the worm and coming early I got to spend a private moment with titoki, the notorious blogger everyone love to pijak who was there after me and before everyone else. That will be my surprise no: 5, and will leave it for the next post…. 

Stay tuned!

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I am BACK!

September 24, 2006 at 11:15 +08:0009 (Travel)

Hei I am back!

I survived Petaling Jaya, affectionately know as PJ!  

I was a MICE in PJ for 5 days and got a few stories to tell… I can’t say my experience is typical of a MICE (meeting, incentive tour, convention and exhibition) tourist but there are a few surprises that I like to share here. Some regrets though but then too few to mention. Was in this part of Bolehland for 5 days last week chasing a certificate in infrared photography. There were 2 Nigerians, 2 HK, 3 Thais, 2 Eastern Malaysians, 4 Western Malaysians, 1 Pakistanis and moi in this class of 15. Trainer was a Swedish angmoh based in Thailand. Paper chase… little dot favourite pastime and survival need in this competitive jungle we called city garden. A little “bomb” waited for the class at the end of the course as we had to sit for an exam to get our certificate. Boys! I was totally stressed throughout the week juggling study and a list of bloggers people to meet. Surprise no: 1, didn’t expect to see such a diversified nationality in this course. 

I stayed with a friend who lives in Kota Kemuning. This area on the outskirt of PJ is like a little oasis and the layout is so well planned out, it is near to impossible to get lost here. The landscape is resort-like with lake and tree-lined boulevard and just the perfect welcome for a tired soul driving back at the end of the day. For the lack of a better word, the place setting & layout is not unlike a country club. But the familiarity stops here as people here are really close and friendly. My friend’s house has a public park in front of it and people come out from their houses in the evening and hang out in the park…. The ambience is very much like in the olden days in the kampong! It has this kampong (village) feel of neighbourliness and familiarity. People can’t be friendlier than this. Can you imagine this? My friend’s neighbour kids will go to his house to borrow his badminton rackets to play badminton in the park. Don’t see this type of behaviour in city living anymore. Everyday when I was there, I would do some horsing around with my friend’s and his neighbours’ kid in the park before dinner. My friend will be there too, everyday, playing with his 4-year old kid. This scenario breaks my stereotype of city living where people seldom stay outdoor and generally, both parents hardly see their kids before sunset… Surprise no: 2. 

I am pleasantly surprised by the traffic and the lesser known PJ food but this will be in another entry. I also have to register my gratitude to bloggers who had in one way or another provided a welcome break to my stressful stay here. It will be insincere to just do a cursory mention of them here so I will also hold my horse back on this one for a later post.

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Not Vanished Yet

September 19, 2006 at 11:15 +08:0009 (Filler)

Hello there! This is not Seefei writing but a Blogkeeper. I have been asked by Master Seefei to put up this “notice” as he is currently out of town and does not have access to the World Wide Web. (Poor thing! Maybe he’s scared that some of you worry for him, so that’s why he asked me to post this up.)

He’ll be back in a few days’ time. Meanwhile, you can all miss him lah, okay?

Yours Truly,

~Seefei’s Blogkeeper~

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Vanishing Point

September 14, 2006 at 11:15 +08:0009 (Life and its pleasures)

Vanishing Point, originally uploaded by acampm1.

I was struck by the convergence of cliff, beach, cloud, mist and sea. Awesome, isn’t it? Wouldn’t you wish all the beautiful things in life will descend on you? How do you like being the focal point of good luck?

How we wish to find the vanishing point in our life…. For me, it is like discovering that my wife is pregnant while hitting another jackpot in the local lottery and found a note in my letter box saying that the apartment i am staying in got en-bloc!

Day dreaming? Everyone is entitled to one. Weekend is coming, Enjoy!

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Calling Steven

September 12, 2006 at 11:15 +08:0009 (General Chatter)

…saw this while i was shopping somewhere in Bolehland last weekend. Looks like somebody is in deep shit, man!  Better give this notice your undivided attention, my fren!

For those of you who know Steven, tell him his wife is looking for him. I personally know someone with that name, will check on him later…..

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My 911

September 11, 2006 at 11:15 +08:0009 (Red & White Matters)

I put down $10,000 into a fund called “Dynamic Growth Protective Capital Fund” a few days before 911 and I will earn my $29 profit when my fund expires at the end of this month. But my opportunity cost is a cumulative 20% in interest on that principal, if I had left it in my Central Provident Fund (CPF). On hindsight, I am still happy because I probably had assisted this one particular fund manager to get that brand new Lexus 300. We can’t win all the time, right?

I still cannot fathom how the fund can rake in so little consider that it closed a few days after 911 and there was a boom for the last twelve months in the stock market. I asked the agent that sold me the fund on the reason for the poor performance and he said the fund manager put the money in the bond market to protect my capital. Bond market, isn’t this like fixed deposit with the additional risk of bond default? Niamah, only if I had known better!

Well, this is the one and only time I let other manage my fund and I am none the wiser for it. I learned 2 lessons here. If you want your capital to be protected, don’t invest in fund. Put it directly into a plain vanilla fixed deposit. At least you will save on management fee that goes into helping someone acquires that brand new Lexus. If you still wanna dabble in stocks, try blue chips and in companies that you know… telecom, properties, bank, shipyards, etc.

911 will forever etch in my memory for the terrible disaster that befallen World Trade Centre in New York and its occupants. On this day, I would like to count my blessing. My loss compares to those victims and their families of World Trade Centre incident in 11 September 2001 is pale in insignificance.

May the souls of those perished in 911 rest in peace…

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Photography, Anyone?

September 8, 2006 at 11:15 +08:0009 (Hobby)

A Hole in Nature, originally uploaded by jeffclow.

“Back in April this incredible barking tree frog appeared magically in our canna gardens and I took over 300 shots of him during a one hour shoot.”

I am just thinking aloud whether anyone out there is interested in Photography and would like to meet like-minded people. With blogging, photography is the complementary skill that will enhance your blog entry. And a good picture(s) would definitely save the day when blog block hits! So, what not start a club and have fun at the same time. It can be in the form of an informal grouping with just each other contact and one or two coordinators.

I had text Leonard yesterday on this idea of forming a Photography Club and we can have shoot outing and then blog about it. He is for it and thinking of roping in Mike Chua, another photo buff, to join this club. Beside sharing idea about the latest camera technology, good shooting place, software and photography techniques we can also have interesting tag like the most interesting pic of your town, office, friends etc where we can showcase our photoessay skill and interesting pic in your archive.

As i said this is just an informal grouping of photography hobbyist, let us know if you are interested so we can inform you of any activities that maybe of interest to you. I would like to invite comments to this new idea. Flood my comment box with your views and i am sure i will get back to you.

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About last night

September 5, 2006 at 11:15 +08:0009 (Married Life)

Had a hectic day yesterday and knocked off early at 11 pm. Just when I thought I was going to have eight hours of uninterrupted beauty sleep, Mother Nature decreed otherwise.

The storm last night was amazing. I haven’t heard such loud explosive thunder or seen such bright bolts of lightning in a very long time. I wouldn’t have woken up though, had my wife not called me to close the room window. For a moment there, I thought she was in the “mood” for love.

It is abnormal for my wife to wake me up in the middle of the night. Had I been asked to perform my conjugal duty there and then, I would not have actually minded. But I was too tired and sleepy to initiate it.

It was frustrating because I couldn’t get back to sleep till 2 am, and then as expected, I woke up feeling lousy and unrelaxed… On hindsight, sex in the middle of a thunder storm is not a bad idea. At least I know I will have a good night sleep after that.

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My 6 random facts

September 2, 2006 at 11:15 +08:0009 (Tag)

Il Lago di Tovel, originally uploaded by joepomata.

1. i like photography and was a member of my school photography club. still saving up to buy that digital SLR camera…
2. i like cats and i am going to support Robin tomorrow (SUNDAY) at Singapore Expo Hall 1b.
3. i like to procrastinate and i will finish the other half of the tag by tomorrow 🙂
4. KIV
5. KIV
6. KIV

i am back!                                                                                                                4. i believe in fate… two out of three major predictions so far had come through, namely i would marry in my 40s and earned my living in a foreign land.

5. i am a movie buff, hold a personal best record of 52 movies watched in a year when i was in my teen. here are some of my 2 cents worth on some of the movies i had watched this year…mi3, fd3, xm3. i sincerely think the new James Bond of the yet to be shown “Casino Royale” SUCKS and why Stephen Chow should be the saviour for this old and tired formula.  why?

6. I am a bookworm and currently a member of the National Library and Singapore Institue of Management library. Read about my girl gazing days in Ipoh Tun Razak Librabry here. Spencer Johnson, MD (Who Moved My Chinese?), Anthony Robbins (Power of Goal Setting) and Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad, Poor Dad) are three authors that i drew a lot for my daily and business motivation needs. Want to know about my mission statement? enter here.

Hei! i am not done yet. Here  is the final installment 🙂


Angel liu liu… thank you for tagging me! This tag is good & the benefits are…

1. after doing this tag, i know a little bit more about myself., or rather a renew perspective of myself. eg Helen comment was spot on, i really dont have time for readings nowadays. that’s why stop reading novel and stick to self-enrichment & management which i dont have to read from cover to cover.

2. i get to know more about Pipit’s guests and visitors. eg. nonyapenang is a fellow bookworm, spinnee & serendipity are into photography, velverse is also a movie buff and gonna be my movie buddy when i am in KL etc

3. allow me an opportunity to recycle some previous posts to Pipit’s new guests and visitors. for those who have read them before, please bear with me hor!

My Tag List….

These are all kakis from my “Satay Meehoon” folder. My other folder is the “Rojak Gang” whose members had been tagged left and right and probably still reeling from an overdose of “6 random facts” hahaha… Except Spinnee, whom i had been followiing silently for some times, the rest are the regular receivers of  my 2 cents worth. Guys, over to you! Mickell, Leonard, Mother Superior, Spinnee, Las Montanas

…with this i declare this meme “CLOSE”!!



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